Category Health + Wellness

What Self-Care Is and Isn’t

Welcome back to day 4 of my self care strategies series. Now, although self-care is a term branded around a lot these days, there’s still a surprising amount of confusion over what it actually involves. n Missed day one, two,…

How to Start Self-Care – Day 2

Welcome back to day 2 of my self care strategies series. Now that you know what self-care is and the benefits it can deliver, you’re probably keen to get started. However, as self-care focuses on so many different things, it…

The 5 Types of Self-Care – Day 1

When you think of self-care, your mind typically jumps to things such as taking a bubble bath and making time for yourself. However, did you know there’s actually a lot of different types of self-care you can focus on? This…

Self-Care Sunday

Self-care has transformed a lot over the last few years. It began as a way to encourage people to do more for themselves, which is amazing. But somewhere along the way, it became something people felt like they were forced…

All-Natural Deodorant DIY

For the past few months, I have been slowly trying to transition to a more self-sufficient/sustainable lifestyle. That includes growing most of my own veggies, composting, making my own broths, and building or repurposing most of our furniture. I wanted…