

How to Start Self-Care – Day 2

Welcome back to day 2 of my self care strategies series. Now that you know what self-care is and the benefits it can deliver, you’re probably keen to get started. However, as self-care focuses on so many different things, it…

Easy Soothing Bedtime Golden Milk Recipe

Having trouble falling asleep? stressed and anxious before bed? Try this soothing golden milk to help you relax and get a good nights sleep! This golden milk is super easy to make and only takes minutes to make. It’s all…

The 5 Types of Self-Care – Day 1

When you think of self-care, your mind typically jumps to things such as taking a bubble bath and making time for yourself. However, did you know there’s actually a lot of different types of self-care you can focus on? This…

Gluten- Free Almond Cookies

Need a quick, easy baking recipe for the kids? These cookies take 20 minutes to make and they taste amazing! n These cookies are my go to whenever I need a delicious gluten free treat! They are super easy to…

Self-Care Sunday

Self-care has transformed a lot over the last few years. It began as a way to encourage people to do more for themselves, which is amazing. But somewhere along the way, it became something people felt like they were forced…

Dandelion-Garlic Scapes Pesto

Today was one of those days where I just wanted to be experimenting in the kitchen. I had just harvested some garlic scapes from my garden, and some dandelion greens from my yard and immediately knew that I wanted to…

DIY Shower Melts for Decongestion

I have terrible allergies, and because I work in a school, I get colds all the time! Which is why I wanted to try some sinus-clearing shower melts. I tried a few recipes that I found online and none of…

All-Natural Soap | DIY |

Searching for an amazing and all- natural soap to help your sensitive skin? Looking for a way to heal your skin naturally? This easy DIY all- natural soap recipe is affordable and extremely effective using some ingredients that are probably…

All-Natural Lip Balm DIY

I don’t know about you, but when winter rolls around I am in desperate need of an amazing moisturizing lip balm. It is so dry outside and no matter how much water I drink, my lips always end up chapped!…